Petroleum Ether 2.5L 40-60 [ Petroleum spirits 40-60 ]
DG3 Flammable solvent
Product Name: PETROLEUM SPIRIT 40-60°C AR
Product Code: PA044
CAS No.: 8032-32-4 UN Number: 1268
Incompatible with strong oxidising agents. Highly flammable.
Specific Properties and Impurities [Typical levels]:
Colour (APHA) 10 max
Boiling range 35-60°C
Residue after evaporation 0.001%
Acidity Passes test
Maximum level of impurities:-
Sul fur compounds (as S) 0.002%
Alumi nium (Al) 0.00002%
Bariu m (Ba) 0.000005%
Bor on (B) 0.000005%
Cad mium (Cd) 0.000002%
Calc ium (Ca) 0.00002%
Chro mium (Cr) 0.000001%
Cob alt (Co) 0.000001%
Co pper (Cu) 0.000001%
Iro n (Fe) 0.00001%
Lea d (Pb) 0.000005%
Mag nesium (Mg) 0.000005%
Man ganese (Mn) 0.000001%
Nic kel (Ni) 0.000001%
Ti n (Sn) 0.000005%
Zi nc (Zn) 0.00001%
Unit Qty: ea
Availability: 100 in stock