Buy Calcium Carbonate LR 500g CAS 471-34-1 in NZ.

Calcium Carbonate LR 500g CAS 471-34-1

White powder; odourless; tasteless. Product Name: CALCIUM CARBONATE LR Chemical Formula: Product Code: CL009 CAS No.: 471-34-1 Molecular Weight: 100.09 Properties Description

Assay: 98.0 - 100.5% (dried basis)

 Identification Passes test

Chlo ride (Cl) ≤ 0.025%

Magn esium (as alkali metals) ≤ 1.0%

Substances insoluble in acetic acid ≤ 0.2%

Loss on drying ≤ 2.0%

Sulf ate (SO4) ≤ 0.3% Heavy metals (as Pb) ≤ 0.002%

Ars enic (As) ≤ 0.0004%

Bar ium (Ba) Passes test

Iro n (Fe) ≤ 0.02%

Chem-Supply does not warrant that this product is suitable for any use or purpose. The user must ascertain the suitability of the product for any intended purpose. Preliminary testing of the product before use or application is recommended. Any reliance or purported reliance upon Chem-Supply Pty Ltd with respect to any skill or judgement or advice in relation to the suitability of this product for any purpose is disclaimed. 

UN Number: None Allocated Quality Specification Class: None Allocated Hazchem code: None Allocated Poison schedule: Not Scheduled General Information: Product is non-combustible and non toxic. Slightly soluble in w ater; soluble in acids with the evolution of carb on dio xide. Incompatible with ac ids, al um, ammo nium salts, fluo rine and mag nesium. Hazard and Safety Data UN Group: None Allocated CS MSDS Code: 1CH1K Alternate Name(s) Calcite; limestone; whiting powder; chalk; vaterite. Emergency Procedure Guide No.: N/A CaCO3 Not classified as hazardous according to the criteria of ASCC. Specific

Unit Qty: ea

Availability: 7 in stock

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